Monday, October 18, 2010



Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tiger Woods Joins Celebrity Charity Golf Tournament

Tiger Woods, the world’s Number One ranked golfer, will join celebrities and golf professionals in the JP McManus Invitational Pro-Am tournament which takes place at the Adare Manor Hotel & Golf Resort in Adare, Ireland, on July 5th-6th.

“I am very happy to be joining this outstanding field,” Woods said. "Like my own Foundation, I understand the importance and necessity of raising funds to help deserving individuals. This tournament does just that."

Tiger, who has led the Official World Golf Rankings for the past 261 weeks and for a total of 603 weeks in his career, confirmed he will join the world class field for the charity tournament which supports charities and groups in the Irish Mid-Western Region. On its last staging in 2005, the tournament raised over €30 million for nominated charities.

Stephen Colbert Raises Charity Cash For Gulf Oil Spill

Stephen Colbert has received a donation of $100,000 from Microsoft’s Bing to help clean up the Gulf oil spill.

Microsoft agreed to donate $2,500 to Colbert’s Colbert Nation Gulf of America Fund, an initiative managed by the Baton Rouge Area Foundation, every time he mentioned the word “Bing” on his show – something he did 40 times.

“Fortunately there is a corporation that has offered to help me help the gulf: the website Bing,” said Colbert on his show. "OK, let me explain what happened. Bing has offered to donate $2,500 to a charity of my choice every time I say the word ‘Bing.’ By the way, Bing is a great website for doing Internet searches. I know that because I Googled it.

“So remember, whenever you hear this bing when I say Bing, and the Bing logo bings, that means Bing heard my ‘Bing’ and binged the Bing to acknowledge my ‘Bing.’ I’m going to get so much money out of these guys, I’ll be rob-bing them blind. So thank you for your generosity, you may go now … Bing.”

Colbert’s fund will be used for general relief. From it, grants will be made to nonprofits that work directly to help the people and wildlife affected by this oil spill.

Celebrity Power Atlanta - ATL Live on the Park

Celebrity Power Magazine was in Atlanta Tuesday night for ATL Live on the Park. Atlanta’s key movers and shakers packed the tent at Park Tavern last night for the second edition of Shanti Das & Marlon Nichols’ “ATL LIVE on the Park” music showcase.

Celebs/tastemakers included Ne-Yo, RL (from NEXT), Chaka Zulu, Devyne Stephens and Kenny Burns, who emcee’d the show. Disturbing Tha Peace Records presented two of their R&B acts, the trio Untitled and soul singer Rudy Currence, after which RL jumped onstage for an impromptu jam session that ended with the old NEXT hit “Too Close.” Finally, actor/singer Keith Robinson (Dreamgirls, Dear John) closed the show with his smooth vocals.

For more information on ATL Live on the Park, visit Shanti Das & Marlon Nichols on Facebook at


Devyne Stephens and Shanti Das

Singer Ne-Yo and Shanti Das

Jeff Dixon, Shanti Das, and Chaka Zulu(DTP)

Kenny Burns, Shanti Das, and RL

DTP Artist Rudy Currence (From South Carolina)

DJ Trauma and Shanti Das


Keith Robinson (Actor/Singer from the movie Dreamgirls)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Shakira Launches Charity T-Shirt Collection

Spain’s second largest exporter of fashion, MANGO, is launching a small collection of solidarity t-shirts with Shakira, inspired by the official FIFA World Cup anthem “Waka Waka”.

The design of the t-shirts represents the spirit, vitality and energy of the host continent of the FIFA World Cup and profits from the sales of the “Waka Waka” t-shirt will be donated to initiatives for elementary education in South Africa.

One of the principal schools to receive the profits, which has the support of UNICEF, is the South Africa East Observatory School, which cares for children who have been orphaned or displaced by war. The school has around 560 children, 60% of whom are orphans due to civil war, while 20% have lost one of their parents as a result of the AIDS virus. This school offers a combination of a quality education with social support and a daily school nutrition program, reflecting the commitment of UNICEF and the Barefoot Foundation towards child nutrition and general education program. Once this project has been completed, any additional funds from this campaign will be donated to other school projects in South Africa.

“The true spirit of this World Cup involves making a lasting contribution”, Shakira says. “We can add to the legacy of this historic moment a platform committed to providing quality education for the children of South Africa and to ending poverty and inequality wherever they exist”.

A total of four t-shirts, two models for women and two models for men, bearing the printed slogans “Waka Waka” and “This Time for Africa”, have been exclusively designed for the occasion. The models will go on sale at all MANGO stores, and via its webpage, from 10 June.

Profits from the sales of the shirts will be used to extend child education initiatives in Africa, where 1 out of every 10 children suffer from severe malnutrition and 35% of all deaths from AIDS correspond to children under the age of five. All proceeds will be donated directly to the Barefoot Foundation, which will allocate the funds to selected schools in South Africa.

No Doubt Clears Out The Vaults For Charity Auction

Now that No Doubt is busy recording their new album, the band has decided to put some costumes and vintage memorabilia to good use by auctioning the items for charity.

The auction will include costumes from No Doubt’s 2009 U.S. tour, instruments they have played on stage and in videos, out of print vinyl, drummer Adrian Young’s old “tuxedo” and other one-of-a-kind items from the No Doubt archives.

Says No Doubt front-woman, Gwen Stefani, “The tour last summer was so amazing, it was exactly what we needed to inspire the new record. Now that we’re in the studio we wanted do something special for the fans who did so much for us. It’ll be really fun to share the costumes – they’re wicked. A lot of the stuff was really hard to part with, but the money we’ll be able to raise, together with the fans, will be worth it. These charities need us, badly. It means a lot to us as a band to be able to support all the hard work they do.”

Adds guitar maestro Tom Dumont, “This auction is a really big deal to me personally, because I’m letting go of two really prized, iconic guitars in the hopes of raising as much money as possible for charity. In my history with No Doubt, the guitars I played in our music videos are the rarest and most valuable things I own. Please contact your richest friend’s Dad and tell him please go BIG on these auction items!”

To access the auction and take a look at the items up for bid, check out

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Adam Lambert's Charity Wish For Fans

Adam Lambert has a special request for fans: charity donations, not gifts.

The star, who starts his Glam Nation Tour later this month, says he received so many thoughtful gifts on his last tour that he ran out of room to keep them. So he’s taken to Twitter to ask fans for a favor.

“Instead of giving me gifts, why not donate 2 or other charity in my name? U can print a reciept [sic] 4 me and personalize it:) What are your thoughts?”

The star is a big supporter of, a charity that allows the public to make donations which go directly to funding school projects – from buying pencils for writing clubs to providing microscopes for biology classes. Last year, Adam asked thousands of his fans to donate directly to classroom project requests posted by teachers on In just four weeks, 1,956 fans contributed directly to his request – with donations totaling $229,000 – providing learning resources and supplies for more than 87,775 students. Earlier this year, Adam visited a group of school kids to support the charity website.

Adam followed up on yesterday’s tweets by later writing: “Yay, I’m glad u all like the idea! I love reading your cards and seeing your drawings too, I’m just not going to be able to take them with me.”

Rage Against The Machine Leads Celebrity Protest In Arizona

A long list of artists have joined a group actively protesting new immigration laws in Arizona, refusing to play gigs in the state until the laws are changed.

The new law – called SB 1070 – allows police to question any individuals they suspect are illegal immigrants, and all legal immigrants are required to carry registration documents at all times.

Rage Against The Machine singer Zack de la Rocha is spearheading the group, which includes Cypress Hill, Juanes, Conor Oberst, Michael Moore, Kanye West, Joe Satriani, Rise Against, Massive Attack, Sonic Youth, Jack Black's Tenacious D and many others.

“We are reaching out to get your ear for a minute about this critical situation in Arizona,” says Zack. "If you haven’t heard, the Arizona state legislature passed a bill (SB 1070) that was signed into law by Governor Jan Brewer that legalizes and sanctions racial profiling. Straight up.

“It forces the cops to hunt down and target anyone they “reasonably suspect” that may be undocumented. And if the people they harass don’t have proof that they were born in the U.S., they can be detained and arrested. This must be stopped."

“When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat, they arrested her. As a result, people got together and said we are not going to ride the bus until they change the law. It was this courageous action that sparked the Montgomery bus boycott. What if we got together, signed a collective letter saying, “we’re not going to ride the bus”, saying we are not going to comply. We are not going to play in Arizona. We are going to boycott Arizona!"

The action follows earlier protests by Ricky Martin, Shakira, George Lopez and Eva Longoria.

To sign a petition and join the artists in their fight against racism, click here.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Russell Crowe Makes Trip To Community Devastated By Bushfire

Russell Crowe joined golfer Greg Norman and a group of Australian businessmen in a visit to one of the communities devastated by bushfires in February 2009.

The stars made a trip to Marysville in the Australian state of Victoria, one of the worst-hit areas. The “Black Saturday Bushfires” ripped through the state last year, killing 173 people and destroying over 2000 houses.

The group of businessmen has raised over $1.3 million for re-development in the area, and flew in to Marysville for a direct meeting with the community.

“It’s a matter of getting something that’s an economic benefit for the community,” businessman Andrew Fox told The Daily Telegraph. “We’re still doing all [the feasibility studies] … we feel it could be a catalyst for the rebuilding of Marysville.”

He added that Crowe was devastated by the effects of the fires and wanted to be directly involved.

Sarah Silverman To Headline Charity Night Of Comedy

Sarah Silverman will headline a night of comedy for charity in Santa Monica this Friday.

That’s Just Wrong – A Benefit With Sarah Silverman and Friends is being held at the Broad Stage, 1310-11th Street, on June 4 to raise funds for Sojourn, which offers services for battered women and their children.

Founded in 1977, Sojourn is dedicated to serving victims of domestic violence in Southern California. It offers crisis shelters, a 24 hour helpline, and many other services.

The 4th annual night of comedy for the organization will also feature Doug Benson, Todd Glass, Tig Notaro, Chelsea Peretti and Jeff Ross.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Leonardo DiCaprio Joins Wildlife Charity To Save Tigers

Actor and Activist Leonardo DiCaprio has joined forces with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to save a species on the brink of extinction.

With as few as 3,200 tigers left in the wild, WWF and DiCaprio today kicked off Save Tigers Now. The campaign begins with an expedition to remote tiger habitats in Asia to document the wild tigers first hand and learn what needs to be done to save them from extinction.

Tiger populations are shrinking fast as the species is threatened by habitat loss and illegal poaching; their skins, bones and other body parts are used in many cultures as medicines, talismans, status symbols and clothing. More than 90 percent of historic tiger habitat no longer has tigers. Three tiger sub-species have gone extinct since the 1940s and a fourth one, the South China tiger, has not been seen in the wild for 25 years. But tigers can thrive if they have strong protection from poaching and habitat loss and enough prey to eat.

After DiCaprio was briefed by the WWF conservationists about the plight of these majestic animals, they decided to partner on a campaign to help raise awareness about the threats to tigers and raise funds for tiger preservation efforts. In honor of the Chinese Year of the Tiger, an ambitious goal of $20 million has been set with the vision of doubling the tiger population by 2022, the next Year of the Tiger.

“Tigers are endangered and critical to some of the world’s most important ecosystems,” said Leonardo DiCaprio. “Key conservation efforts can save the tiger species from extinction, protect some of the planet’s last wild habitats and help sustain the local communities surrounding them. By protecting this iconic species, we can save so much more.”

DiCaprio is traveling to Asia with WWF experts to see the threats tigers face first-hand. He will participate in anti-poaching patrols, meet with park guards on the frontlines of protecting tigers from international traffickers, and explore the best ways to protect these amazing creatures. The Save Tigers Now website will allow supporters to follow DiCaprio’s journey and participate in the effort to save tigers.

“Give tigers enough space and protection and they’ll recover,” said WWF CEO Carter Roberts. “But public support means everything and changing laws and ending demand for tiger parts means we need to tell their story – in places like the U.S., India and China. Which is why this partnership with Leonardo is so important, he can reach the public, tell this story to our children and engage leaders around the world – to save tigers now.”

WWF is working on the ground across Asia to protect tigers. As part of the Year of the Tiger 2010, WWF has set a bold but achievable goal of doubling the number of tigers in the wild within 12 years, when the next Year of the Tiger is celebrated.

Go to for more information about the partnership between Leonardo DiCaprio and World Wildlife Fund

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wyclef Jean's Words Of Wisdom For Young People

On Sunday, May 23, Wyclef Jean received an honorary doctorate from Western Connecticut State University and delivered a commencement speech to the class of 2010. The university presented Wyclef with a check for $9,500 for his Yéle Haiti Foundation and the crowd cheered as he encouraged the students to create a vision for their future and chase their dreams.

“Yesterday I gave the commencement speech at Western Connecticut State University in Danbury, Conn,” wrote the star in the Huffington Post. "I’ve spoken at lots of places before — the U.N., the White House, awards shows where hundreds of thousands of people were watching. But this was my first commencement gig. I felt a big responsibility. I wondered what words of wisdom I could give to those young adults, about to start a whole new life.

“I came to America as a boy excited. This was the land of possibilities and opportunities. I loved music, writing, singing, playing. That’s all I ever wanted to do.I was told that I didn’t have a chance. That there was no way I could make a living as a musician or a rapper.

“If you have a vision for yourself, it won’t matter that others may be blind to what you can see. That vision will help you see past many factors that can discourage you. That vision will help you see past the setbacks — and setbacks will happen.

“I have had a lot of success in entertainment. But I didn’t really become successful as a person until I began to give of myself to others who needed my help. Outside of being a husband and a father, nothing has given me greater satisfaction than the work I’ve been able to do with Yéle Haiti, the charity I founded in 2005.

“Create a vision based on your specific gifts, talents and tools. There is greatness in simply being you and using your skill to do something with your vision — and to put your personal plan in motion.

“You are ultimately responsible for how far you can see. Your future belongs to you, and you alone.

“Believe it or not, I used to ride a donkey to school in Haiti. I lived in a one‐room shack. When I came to America, I didn’t speak a word of English. Today I am able to travel the world, reach people with my music, work on behalf of my native Haiti and even speak at a college commencement. I am proof that anything you want is possible, if you can only envision it first.”

Chris Tucker Returns As Host Of BrittiCares Charity Run/Walk

Chris Tucker will return as host of the 5th annual BrittiCares International Smile For Life 5K Run/Walk in LA this Saturday, May 29.

BrittiCares International is a non-profit organization, committed to making a difference in the lives of children diagnosed with cancer and their families. The inspiration of the organization came from a little girl named Brittiana Henderson who was first diagnosed with Osteogenic Sarcoma (bone cancer) and later developed leukemia where she fought courageously, without complaining, while assisting other children with cancer to defeat the pernicious disease. Although Brittiana’s battle against Leukemia came to an end, the efforts of BCI have not diminished. BCI wishes to raise funds and public awareness to combat this disease.

“Congratulations to BrittiCares International as they continue to be a beacon of light and champions of hope by bringing smiles into the lives of children with cancer,” says Chris Tucker. "I salute you in your mission to honor the precious memory of Brittiana Renee Henderson of whom I call “Little Sister” by making sure that the world will never forget and can always feel the warmth of her beautiful spirit."

Celebrities expected to attend the event include Monique Coleman [Disney’s High School Musical], Keke Palmer [True Jackson], a performance by R&B sensation Mishon, comedian/actor Ricky Harris, Laker Girls, astronaut James M. Kelly [meet and greet wearing his space suit] and others.

The title of the walk came effortlessly, because, through Brittiana’s challenges, it was rare to catch her without a smile. She would often say “I’m smiling, because, I’m living”. Brittiana wanted to put that same smile on the faces of other children battling cancer, and during her own battle, founded BrittiCares International, where its mission is ‘Helping Children Survive Cancer’ one smile at a time.

Brittiana ‘Smile For Life’ 5K Run/Walk has become BrittiCares signature fundraising and cancer awareness event, and is powered by family and friends, volunteers, hospital, community and celebrity supporters and sponsors for their good works and contributions in helping to change lives.

The tradition of this heart warming event, begins with a tribute song and dance, followed by a unity lap that honors cancer Angels, survivors, and patients of all ages. Now, the race begins!

The efforts behind Brittiana ‘Smile For Life’ 5k are to generate vital funds for research, direct assistance & uplifting support for childhood cancer patients and their families, blood & marrow drives, and to raise awareness about the increasing prevalence of childhood cancer, and the need to help make a difference.

Paul McCartney To Help Two Causes With One Concert

Paul McCartney is to play one special concert in the UK to raise funds for two good causes: his Meat Free Monday campaign and Kevin Spacey's campaign to put a new roof on The Old Vic Theatre.

On 1 July, The Old Vic will celebrate its 192nd birthday with an inaugural fundraiser, The Old Vic 192. Taking place at The Boiler House (Battersea Power Station), The Old Vic 192 is set to become a major annual London fundraiser and key fixture of the Summer season.

Hosted by Kevin Spacey, Artistic Director, and Sally Greene, Chief Executive at The Old Vic, the major star-studded birthday celebration will feature entertainment including an exclusive private performance by Paul McCartney and live art auction hosted by Oliver Barker, Senior Director at Sotheby’s. Supported by W Doha, the evening’s activity will commence with a champagne and canapé reception, dinner, auction and conclude with a private performance with Paul McCartney.

“I’m delighted to be able to announce The Old Vic 192, our inaugural annual fundraiser on 30th June 2010, in aid of The Old Vic Theatre Trust,” said Spacey. “We are thrilled Paul McCartney will lend his extraordinary talents on the evening alongside brilliant artists who’ve generously donated their artworks for auction. It’s set to be quite a night!”

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Alicia Keys Follows Bono's Charity Advice

Alicia Keys has revealed how Bono helped lead to her decision to use her celebrity status for good and establish Keep A Child Alive.

“It’s a currency — you must use it well or lose it,” she told Britain’s Live Magazine. "Bono told me that, and I totally agree. Now I’ve achieved a certain level of fame I know I must make good use of it, especially as I’ve been around the world and know suffering in a way I didn’t before.

“That’s why I launched my charity, Keep A Child Alive. I was so moved to meet people in Africa who have so little and yet are so generous, people who’ve been to hell and back but retain their dignity and are fighting for their dreams. The charity gives people the chance to chase those dreams.”

Keep A Child Alive provides life-saving anti-retroviral treatment to children and their families with HIV/AIDS in Africa and the developing world by directly engaging the global public in the fight against AIDS.

Ellen DeGeneres Joins Fight For Healthy School Lunches

Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi are the latest stars to urge Congress to pass the Healthy School Meals Act of 2010, which will see plant-based meals and non-dairy beverages a requirement in school lunchrooms.

“We know how much you care about children’s health,” they wrote in a letter to Congress. "That’s why we’re joining the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in urging you to support the Healthy School Meals Act, HR 4870.

“This bill would help schools add healthy plant-based vegetarian options in lunch lines. Two years ago, we switched to a plant-based diet out of concern for animals and the environment. Many children stop eating meat for the same reasons. Adding vegetarian options in schools would not only benefit these children — it would provide healthier options for all young people.

“Obesity, diabetes and other diet-related health problems are showing up in children at disturbingly high rates. One out of five teenagers already has abnormal cholesterol levels. Fighting this epidemic is one of the most urgent challenges we face — and healthy school lunches could play a vital role.”

The letter follows a similar letter from Woody Harrelson, as well as support from Scarlett Johansson and Michelle Obama.

“The Healthy School Meals Act is the easiest way to decrease children’s overall intake of saturated fat and cholesterol,” wrote Ellen and Portia. "It would simply provide a healthier option for children to try. Even if students choose a plant-based option just once or twice a week, they’ll be consuming significantly less fat and cholesterol – and that could make a huge difference to their health.

“Please include the Healthy School Meals Act language in revised child nutrition legislation. Children are depending on us.”

Paris Hilton To Launch Charity Initiative For US Troops

Paris Hilton has been named as ambassador for a new initiative from the USO that aims to give a MP3 player to all US active service troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“I’m always looking for ways I can use my voice as a celebrity and I think there is nothing more worthwhile and patriotic than supporting our troops. When I first heard about the Songs for Soldiers initiative it immediately touched my heart,” Hilton told Fox News. “It’s so easy to take for granted our freedom and happiness and forget about those who are endangering their lives every day to make it possible. Songs for Soldiers is a simple way to show you care.”

Paris will launch the Songs For Soldiers initiative at the A Swingin’ Salute to Our Troops event in New York’s Union Square Ballroom on Wednesday, May 26.

“I would love to visit our troops!” said Paris. “I hope that once we meet this goal I can personally be a part of the trip overseas to deliver these players into the hands of the troops. I would find that very rewarding, it is something I have always wanted to do.”

Monday, May 24, 2010

Matt Damon Honored By Save The Children For Charity Work

Actor Matt Damon received Save the Children's Leadership Award at the annual Celebration of Hope event in Greenwich on Friday, May 21.

Damon was honored for his steadfast commitment to mothers and children in the poorest regions of the world. The benefit, which raised funds for Save the Children’s newborn and child survival programs, was hosted by Ann Curry, NBC’s Today Show and Dateline anchor. Other NBC attendees included Brian Williams, Meredith Vieira, Kathie Lee Gifford, Hoda Kotb and Jenna Bush Hager.

“I have bumped into Save the Children staff members around the world and think they are some of the most incredible people I have ever met,” said Damon. “They are professional and passionate about protecting children in some of the most difficult and impoverished places.”

Almost 9 million children die every year before their fifth birthday from preventable and treatable illnesses such as pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria, and newborn complications. Funds raised at the benefit will support Save the Children’s global effort to significantly reduce these numbers through proven, low-cost interventions like vaccinations, better newborn care practices and antibiotic treatment.

“These problems are very simple and identifiable,” said Damon, “and so are the solutions.”

Philip H. Geier, Jr., Save the Children Trustee, author and philanthropist, also received the Leadership Award.

Save the Children is the leading independent organization for children in need, with programs in 120 countries, including the United States.

Madonna Calls For Support Of Equal Rights In Malawi

Madonna – founder of Raising Malawi – is asking her fans to join her in support of equal rights and the freedom to love in the African country following the jailing of two men for 14 years for the “crime” of homosexuality.

“I am shocked and saddened by the decision made this week by the Malawian court, which sentenced two innocent men to prison,” says the singer. "As a matter of principle, I believe in equal rights for all people, no matter what their gender, race, color, religion, or sexual orientation.

“This week, Malawi took a giant step backward. The world is filled with pain and suffering; therefore, we must support our basic human right to love and be loved.

“I call upon the progressive men and women of Malawi—and around the world—to challenge this decision in the name of human dignity and equal rights for all.”

Simon Cowell Awarded For Charity Work

Simon Cowell was honored with Variety - The Children's Charity's prestigious Humanitarian Award at the Variety World Conference at the Grand Ballroom of the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel & Spa on May 23.

Since 1938, Variety International’s Humanitarian Award has annually been awarded to a person who has shown incredible dedication in the support of humankind.

Variety International recognize Simon Cowell has utilized his position in the entertainment industry, in business and his international profile as a fundraising tool to support many charities and individuals around the world and has helped transform many lives of those in need.

As Creator and Judge of the biggest selling TV entertainment formats The X Factor and Got Talent, and through his TV and record company Syco, Simon has raised many millions of dollars for numerous causes worldwide in both collaborative and personal projects.

In recent months, Simon initiated the release of a star-studded version of ‘Everybody Hurts’ in direct response to the tragedy of the earthquake in Haiti. The single became the fastest selling charity single of the century benefiting the 12 charities supported by the Disasters Emergency Committee and Helping Haiti for UNICEF.

The annual charity single released by The X Factor’s twelve finalists has raised over $4 million in recent years for the Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital and the Help For Heroes campaign.

As Patron of Children’s Hospices UK, Simon dedicates time and support to raising money for thousands of life limited children and their families. Amongst many other charities supported by Simon, some include the Elton John AIDS Foundation, the Centre for Environmental Education and the Charity Projects Entertainment Fund.

In addition, animal welfare charities including PETA, WSPA, ARK and the Battersea Dogs Home, all benefit from his continued generosity and passion for protecting animals from cruelty and neglect.

In his capacity as a judge on American Idol, Simon has contributed to helping raised over $140 million for charities through ‘Idol Gives Back’, including the Children's Health Fund, Feeding America, Malaria No More, Save the Children and the United Nations Foundation.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Flea's Silverlake Conservatory Of Music Announces Charity News

Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea has announced some exciting new initiatives for his Silverlake Conservatory of Music.

Established by Flea and Keith Barry in 2001 to facilitate music education by providing affordable or free lessons and instruments, the Conservatory’s eight classrooms are filled with instruments, teachers and students, with instruction, discussion, laughter and, of course, lots of music. To these students, the SCM represents a future full of the joy of music and the sense of accomplishment felt by those who make it.

The charity is happy to announce that it is running an online fundraising auction for a brand new Fender guitar amp, with all proceeds going to its music facilities. The G-DEC 3 Thirty model amp comes packed with presets and loops from some top artists, including Eric Johnson, Charlie Benante and Frank Bello (Anthrax), Phil Collen (Def Leppard), Joe Trohman (Fall Out Boy), Brad Paisley, Dweezil Zappa, Jim “Rev. Horton Heat” Heath, Keith Urban, Hatebreed, Nils Lofgren, Gary Hoey, Crooked X, Strung Out and many others.

Jackie Chan Brings Water To Drought Areas

Earlier this month, Jackie Chan traveled to Tongren in the Guizhou province of China to bring much-needed water and supplies to the drought stricken area. He has now blogged about the experience.

“Along with my team (The Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation), I flew to TongRen City, Guizhou Province in the Tujia County," writes Jackie in the blog. "We brought 48,000 bottles of water to their people. My team told me that the GDP is the lowest in the country and up in the mountains where the people lived, they were facing serious water shortages.

“Along the way, I learned that the water was difficult to store and that 97% of the farmland were in the mountains. In the summer’s dry season, villagers have to walk 10 miles down the mountain just to collect two bottles of water. So in the car up to the mountain, I could see the roof of many houses, used as a reservoir for water. However, it was covered with moss and there was no filter. They used it to wash their clothes, their plates, and even to drink.”

Jackie’s blog tells how he visited schools in the area, and personally delivered water to residents – something he will never forget.

“After seeing how they drank water, I immediately donated 1 million RMB to the local government. Also, I donated money [for] the construction of 10KM of water pipes and a water tower. Now, 9,000 people in the village can drink clean water!”

To read Jackie’s full blog and see photos of his trip, click

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ne-Yo Unveils "BE A GENTLEMAN" Billboard in Las Vegas, Encouraging Youth to BE GREAT

Boys & Girls Club Alumnus Joins Superstar Lineup, Including Denzel Washington, Shaquille O'Neal, Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Martin Sheen, Usher, Ashanti, Gen. Wesley Clark and Mario Lopez in Boys & Girls Clubs of America's National Advocacy Campaign

Billboard Unveiling, 11:00 a.m., Thursday, May 20, 2010

S. Las Vegas Blvd., between Russell and Sunset, at the "Welcome
to Las Vegas" sign
Clubhouse Preview, 5:00 p.m., Thursday, May 20, 2010
3540 Cambridge Street (corner of Dumont and Cambridge, Las Vegas)

As part of Boys & Girls Clubs of America's (BGCA) BE GREAT youth
advocacy campaign, popular recording star, actor, and Boys &
Girls Club alum Ne-Yo will unveil a new billboard featuring
his childhood picture and the inspirational message - BE A
GENTLEMAN. Ne-Yo joins some 25 prominent alumni in BGCA's
campaign to increase public awareness about the serious issues
facing today's young people, and send a call-to-action,
urging every American to help young people BE GREAT.

Ne-Yo's BE A GENTLEMAN ads mark the second wave of advertising
created for BGCA by pro bono agency McCann Erickson San
Francisco. The campaign's out-of-home component is made
possible by BGCA's partnership with the Outdoor Advertising
Association of America (OAAA). The billboard in Las Vegas was
made available courtesy of Clear Channel.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Las Vegas (BGCLV) will host a preview
celebration of the Ralph and Betty Engelstad Clubhouse from
5:00 - 7:00 p.m. The new 8,500-sq.-ft. facility replaces the
former Snyder Clubhouse, at the intersection of Dumont and
Cambridge Streets. It will officially open to children and
families on the first day of summer, Monday, June 7, 2010.

From academic failure and gang violence to poverty, drugs and
obesity, America's youth face a daunting array of problems -
with serious consequences and fewer safety nets at home and in
the community. According to a 2007 Harris survey, 57 percent
of Boys & Girls Club alumni reported, "The Club saved my life,"
while 28 percent credited the Club with keeping them in school.

Nicolas Cage And Friends To Heal The Bay At Charity Gala

Kicking off the celebration of its 25th anniversary, environmental group Heal the Bay has announced an eclectic group of green leaders to be honored at its Bring Back the Beach gala dinner on May 20.

Held on the sand at The Jonathan Beach Club, the gala is dubbed “An Evening Under The Stars.” Nearly 1,000 guests will join together to recognize the eco-accomplishments of Oscar-winning actor Nicolas Cage, The Walt Disney Company, environmental engineer and business leader Jack Baylis, and longtime Heal the Bay boardmember and fundraiser Luann Laval Williams.

Celebrities expected to attend include actresses Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Amy Smart, as well as TV personalities Chad Lowe, Donna Mills and Lindsay Wagner.

Cage, whose latest film Kick Ass is the No. 1 new release at the boxoffice, is a longtime major donor of Heal the Bay. In addition to his work to protect the health of our local oceans, he has been deeply involved in the re-building of New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. Best known for his work in such films as Leaving Las Vegas, for which he won an Academy Award for Best Actor in 1995, Cage has also directed and produced films, including Shadow of the Vampire.

At the heart of The Walt Disney Company’s nearly two decades of support for Heal the Bay is its employee “VoluntEARS,” who have donated hundreds of hours in numerous local coastal cleanup efforts. Their dedication is a reflection of the company’s rich environmental legacy, which spans more than 60 years , beginning with Walt Disney, whose love of nature was incorporated in so many of Disney’s earliest classics. That commitment to environmental stewardship continues to grow through efforts to minimize the company’s operational impact, significant investments in environmental projects around the world and initiatives that inspire stewardship in others.

Disney’s Friends for Change: Project Green for everyday life and Disney’s Planet Challenge for the classroom are cornerstones of Disney’s focus to provide the youth of today with the knowledge and resources to positively impact the environment for future generations. Storytelling about the beauty and importance of nature continues to thrive through the Disneynature film studio, whose most recent documentary, OCEANS, chronicles the mysteries and amazing creatures of the sea.

“We are lucky to have had the support of so many dynamic and diverse individuals and organizations over the past 25 years,” said Mark Gold, president of Heal the Bay. “This year’s honorees represent the best of environmental stewardship and have worked diligently to safeguard our coastal resources.”

Subaru has generously donated a 2010 Outback PZEV sports-utility vehicle to be auctioned off during the gala. Additionally, $50 is being donated to Heal the Bay for all test drives through May 31 at all Southern California Subaru dealerships.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Matt Damon And Ben Affleck To Play Ante Up For Africa Charity Poker

Many would love the opportunity to play poker with some of the biggest names in Hollywood and the most skilled poker professionals. Now you can.

The 2010 Ante Up For Africa Celebrity Charity Poker Tournament on Saturday, July 3 at the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas offers a special opportunity as the only event of its kind where the general public can participate.

Created by Oscar nominee Don Cheadle and Celebrity Apprentice star and WSOP bracelet winner Annie Duke, the Ante Up for Africa tournament will begin at 2 p.m. on Saturday, July 3rd at the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino, home of the 41st Annual World Series of Poker (WSOP).

This No-Limit Hold’em poker tournament has an entry fee of $5,000, and places players side-by-side with Hollywood hotshots, superstar athletes and poker professionals, battling it out in a unique charity tournament where you can walk away with a six-figure payday and contribute to a great cause too.

Celebrities and athletes all over are gearing up to return and will join poker’s most notable players to raise public awareness and funds which make a tangible impact on the ground in Africa. Through humanitarian assistance and policy work the organization seeks lasting solutions to Africa’s worst conflicts like the humanitarian crisis in Darfur, Sudan. In 2009, the WSOP attracted 60,875 entrants from 115 different countries and awarded over $174 million in prize money.

“It is an honor to be working with the WSOP and the Rio for the 4th year of Ante Up For Africa,” said Annie Duke. “We created this event to make a positive impact on the lives of those in Darfur and throughout Africa. I am delighted the event continues to grow every year boasting more celebrities, more players and more poker pros.”

Among those confirmed to participate, subject to availability, are: Cheadle, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Tracy McGrady, Brad Garrett, Hank Azaria, Ray Romano, Kenny Smith and Sara Rue with many more in the process of being confirmed and expressing their interest to play. Also playing, subject to availability, will be poker professionals Howard Lederer, Erik Seidel, Phil Gordon, Andy Bloch, Chris Ferguson and Phil Hellmuth with many more to be confirmed in the coming weeks.

The tournament will feature a fast-paced structure designed to complete the competition within five hours. Seating for the tournament is open to anyone age 21 or older. Players can register in person at the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, or online up to two weeks prior to the event at under the registration tab.

“We are so thankful to everyone who has participated in Ante Up For Africa throughout the years and are thrilled to have raised nearly $3 million to date to assist those in need,” said Don Cheadle. “We are making tremendous strides in raising awareness and hope this year’s tournament is a huge charitable success.”

This event, as is every World Series of Poker tournament, is open to the public for viewing and admission is free. The event will take place in the Pavilion Ballroom in the Rio Convention Center, with the WSOP Main Event, beginning just two days later on Monday, July 5th.

“This is a great cause and a great event,” said WSOP Vice President Ty Stewart. “Annie and Don have established quite a tradition with this event and we are honored to host it as part of the World Series of Poker.”

Cheadle, an accomplished poker player, and Duke, who has more than $4 million in tournament winnings, are committed to raising both public awareness about the tragedy in Darfur and funds to aid its victims.

Last week, Ante Up For Africa awarded two grants of $50,000 each to support the Eastern Congo Initiative founded by Ben Affleck and founded by Matt Damon – organizations focused on supporting local, community-based solutions to some of Africa’s greatest challenges.

More information about the tournament is available at If you would like more information regarding the organization, please log onto and on Twitter at

Handbags Signed By Robert Pattinson And Barack Obama In Celebrity Charity Auction

Want to get your hands on a handbag signed by Robert Pattinson? Now is your chance, and you’ll be helping a great cause.

The Twilight star has signed the bag for Career Wardrobe’s new online auction of celebrity-autographed purses. The organization is the nation’s largest community-based non-profit organization serving women transitioning into the workforce by providing professional attire and innovative educational programs. Since 1995, The Career Wardrobe has assisted over 50,000 women by inspiring the confidence necessary to achieve independence.

Bags in the online Purses With Purpose auction that do not make their reserve price will be sold at a live auction during the charity’s A Perfect Fit event, to be held at the Park Hyatt Philadelphia at the Bellevue on June 9. Other famous faces to sign bags for the auction include Barack Obama, Jay Leno, Sarah Jessica Parker, Ron Howard and many more.

To view Robert’s bag and make a bid, visit the
eBay auction here. To find out more about the Perfect Fit event, click here.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sting Joins Elton John and Lady Gaga for The Rainforest Foundation Charity Concert

Sting and Trudie Styler hosted the 16th annual Rainforest Foundation benefit concert to celebrate the organization’s 21st anniversary at Carnegie Hall on Thursday night. This year’s performers included Elton John, Lady Gaga, Bruce Springsteen, Debbie Harry, Mary J. Blige and Shirley Bassey.

The event – which has been the Foundation’s main fundraiser since 1989 – was dubbed as an evening of 1980s hits and stars (“Sting told me we’re doing a show of ’80s nostalgia,” said Springsteen. “I said, ’That’s easy! We’re both ‘80s nostalgia!’”).

And the concert didn’t let fans down, with Sir Elton covering Madonna’s Material Girl and The Boss singing a version of Bryan Adam’s Cuts Like A Knife. Sting duetted with Lady Gaga on Stand By Me, while Gaga joined Sir Elton for Speechless/Your Song. Sting also joined Mary J. Blige for their 2003 duet Whenever I say Your Name. Both Elton and Sting joined Shirley Bassey for Hey Big Spender, and the evening ended with everyone on stage for Don’t Stop Believing.

Slash Leads Rockers For Charity

Motorhead frontman Lemmy, former KISS star Ace Frehley and legendary guitarist Slash rocked Los Angeles on May 7 for the sixth annual MusiCares MAP Fund benefit concert in honor of former First Lady Betty Ford and to raise money for the famous Betty Ford Center she founded.

In addition to raising money for the MusiCares MAP Fund – which provides members of the music community access to addiction recovery treatment –
Samantha Ronson also DJed during the event in memory of tragic death of Adam ‘DJ AM’ Goldstein, who died after suffering an accidental drug overdose last August.

The Betty Ford Center provides effective alcohol and other drug dependency treatment services, including programs of education and research, to help women, men and families begin the process of recovery.

Mary J. Blige to Headline Cinema Against AIDS at Cannes

Mary J. Blige will give a special performance at this year’s seventeenth annual amFAR Cinema Against AIDS event on May 20 at Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc in France.

Hosted by Alan Cumming, the black-tie event – which features a cocktail reception, dinner and live auction – has become one of the most aniticpated events held during the Cannes Film Festival.

The Cinema Against AIDS event includes many of the celebrities and personalities associated with the film festival, while also attracting familiar faces from the worlds of fashion, music, business, and international society.

Event Chairs include: Giorgio Armani, Elizabeth Banks, Emily Blunt, Kenneth Cole, Milutin Gatsby, Ryan Kavanaugh, Michel Litvak, Vincent Roberti, Carine Roitfeld, Sharon Stone and Harvey Weinstein.

Since 1993, Cinema Against AIDS events around the world have raised more than $50 million for lifesaving AIDS research.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Jay-Z Launches Roc Nation Aviators With Skullcandy

Jay-Z has teamed with Skullcandy to release the Roc Nation Aviator headphones in a new joint venture between the two companies.

According to reps for Skullcandy, the new partnership will “push new levels” of style and sound in the marketplace.

“Our passion is creating amazing music,” Jay-Z said in a statement. “We’re dedicated to delivering the best in live performances. Now with the Roc Nation/Skullcandy partnership, we’re offering the best way for people to experience the soundtrack of their lives.”

According to a press release, the Roc Nation Aviator is designed with superior metals, polycarbonate headphone cups, plush memory foam ear cushions and materials previously used in designer eyewear.

“This partnership is an incredible opportunity for Skullcandy,” the company’s CEO Rick Alden said. “By teaming up with Roc Nation on both the creative and marketing direction of these new products, we are able to set the bar at a new high - challenging the future quality of what emerges in the industry from here on out.”

The Roc Nation Aviators will be released this June.

Pam Anderson Asks Congress: End Harmful Chimpanzee Experiments

Pamela Anderson is pressing Congress to help find a cure for hepatitis C — a disease she’s battling — without experimenting on chimpanzees.

She’s calling on both Rep. Frank Pallone and Rep. Henry Waxman to ban invasive chimpanzee experiments and support modern, human-based research methods. In a letter dated May 13, Ms. Anderson asks the congressmen to co-sponsor the Great Ape Protection Act (H.R. 1326). The bipartisan legislation would phase out invasive chimpanzee experiments and release all federally owned chimpanzees to sanctuaries. The bill currently has more than 140 congressional co-sponsors.

“As one of the more than 3 million Americans living with hepatitis C, I am writing to ask that you take steps to end ineffective and cruel research using chimpanzees and direct federal funds to modern, human-based research methods that will be more effective at finding a vaccine and treatment for hepatitis C and other deadly diseases,” writes Anderson. "I implore that you encourage the National Institutes of Health and other agencies to invest in more effective and efficient human cell based technologies that are more likely to yield successful results.

“I have a personal interest in supporting the search for a vaccine for this disease and others, but it is clear that confining chimpanzees to small cages for decades, at great cost to these highly intelligent and social animals, is not moving us closer to that goal.

“I am writing to you now to urge you to call for a hearing in the Energy and Commerce Committee about the Great Ape Protection Act, a bill that would end ineffective and harmful experiments on chimpanzees and release federally owned chimpanzees to sanctuaries.”

More than 1,000 chimpanzees currently live in laboratories in the United States. Many live in cages about the size of a kitchen table for decades. The United States is the only country still using chimps in large-scale research.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Diddy Teams Up with M&M's to Throw a Color Party in NYC

For the past month, Americans have been visiting to vote for their favorite M&M'S® character – Red, Ms. Green, Yellow, Orange or Blue. Today, M&M'S® Brand announced a unique partnership with Diddy that gives consumers an entirely new reason to vote.

To celebrate the M&M'S® character voted America's favorite, internationally-renowned music superstar and business mogul, Sean "Diddy" Combs will produce a special M&M'S® Color Party in New York City. This will be the first time consumers will be able to choose the color of one of Diddy's legendary events. The guest list? One M&M'S®-loving American and 20 friends who can win by registering for the "Party Like Diddy Sweepstakes." Diddy will also meet the winner in advance to help plan his first-ever Red or Green or Yellow or Orange or Blue Party.

"This year, I'm touring North America and Europe to promote my new album, Last Train to Paris, so unfortunately I can't throw my annual White Party," said Sean "Diddy" Combs. "But I wanted to make sure there was at least one colorful affair on the calendar this summer, so I'll be producing the M&M'S® Color Party, in honor of America's favorite M&M'S® character. It's the first time people can pick the color of one of my parties."

Eligible U.S. residents can enter for their chance to win the M&M'S® Color Party produced by Diddy by registering for the "Party Like Diddy Sweepstakes" at between noon on May 13 and noon on July 6, 2010. In addition to the once-in-a-lifetime party experience, the winner will receive travel and accommodations for them and a guest to meet Diddy to help plan the party, as well as travel and accommodations for 20 of their friends for the party.

Fans can also register to win other amazing prizes while casting their vote for their favorite M&M'S® character, including a$50,000 cash prize, a special M&M'S® branded guitar and a $25 M&M'S Discover® debit card – among other prizes. For more information about M&M'S® character vote, visit or

Lance Armstrong Has 48 Hours To Raise $75,000 For LiveStrong

Lance Armstrong has 48 Hours to raise $75,000 for the LiveStrong Foundation and he needs your help.

“This morning we launched I RIDE FOR LIVESTRONG, a dynamic, virtual version of the Tour of California, where I will be racing starting on Sunday,” said the super cyclist. "This online event allows you to create your own virtual bike, tell us who you ride for (a survivor or caregiver who has inspired you) and race through the California landscape using your story to invite more people to join us in the fight against cancer.

“When we talked to our partners at RadioShack about the campaign, they raised the stakes: If we can get 10,000 people to join the ride in the next 48 hours, RadioShack will donate $75,000 to LIVESTRONG. It’s an amazing opportunity and we are thankful for their support. But we can’t get there without your help.

“This year, cancer will become the #1 killer in the world. If we get 10,000 people to join the ride, the $75,000 gift will go a long way toward supporting survivors and pushing leaders around the world to dedicate more resources to the fight against cancer.

“The Tour of California, the largest cycling event in America, kicks off on Sunday, and each of us at Team RadioShack will bring a personal hero along for the ride. The I RIDE FOR stickers on our bikes will bear the names of survivors and caregivers who inspire us. At even the steepest climb in the race, they’ll remind us that, in the fight against cancer, unity is strength and no one should ride alone.

“But we’re just eight guys and there are millions of stories to tell. That’s why we launched I RIDE FOR LIVESTRONG, a virtual version of the Tour that allows you to create your own bike and tell your own story about who inspires you. Now, more than ever, we need to talk about the global cancer crisis—if something doesn’t change, one in two people will have to fight cancer by 2030. We have to fight back, we have to tell our stories and we have to push leaders around the world to dedicate the energy and resources necessary to see a world without cancer in our children’s lifetimes.

“I RIDE FOR LIVESTRONG is a great way to build our movement and today we have a huge opportunity to generate support for the cause by raising $75,000. We need your help. Will you join the ride?”

For more information, please log-on to

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Lenny Kravitz To Headline Gulf Aid Benefit Concert

With a home in New Orleans, its no surprise that Lenny Kravitz was the first performer to commit to ‘Gulf Aid,’ the benefit concert to raise funds for efforts to stop the Gulf oil spill from destroying our wetlands.

The April 20 explosion aboard an oil drilling rig leased by British Petroleum took the lives of 11 people and is one of the biggest oil spills in history in the Gulf of Mexico. Efforts to contain the leak (about 210,000 gallons a day) are underway, and there is a massive local movement to try to trap the oil before it reaches the sensitive wetlands and bayous – the heart of Louisiana’s fishing industry.

‘Gulf Aid’ is one such movement. The event is scheduled for Sunday, May 16, from noon to 10 p.m. at that city’s Mardi Gras World River City. The amazing line-up of artists expected to join Kravitz include Allen Toussaint, Mos Def, Ani DiFranco, the Voice of the Wetlands Allstars (including Tab Benoit, Dr. John and Cyril Neville) and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band, among many others.

Tickets are $50 and will be sold through Elevate Tickets. All proceeds will go to organizations that help Gulf Coast fishermen and the area’s seafood industry as well as those that address environmental issues. For those who can’t make it to the show, ‘Gulf Aid’ will also be broadcast on the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage radio station WWOZ 90.7 FM.

Proceeds will be managed and distributed by Gulf Aid, a 501(c3) nonprofit corporation created in partnership with WWOZ to ensure that all proceeds and donations are distributed to organizations to focus on two key elements of recovery – the wetlands/coastal environmental issues and the well-being of fishermen and the regional seafood industry.

Tony Hawk Joins Movement For Less Cancer, More Birthdays

The latest celebrity to join the American Cancer Society's More Birthday's campaign is legendary skateboarder Tony Hawk.

With this announcement, Hawk joins celebrities such as America Ferrera, Chicago, Taye Diggs, Justin Bieber, and Jennifer Love Hewitt as the latest celebrity committed to helping save lives and create a world with less cancer and more birthdays.

“Determination, a ‘Never quit, never give up’ attitude is what it takes to succeed,” said Hawk. “The American Cancer Society has an unwavering commitment to fighting cancer and will not rest until the job is finished! Everyday, working toward a world free of cancer.”

To learn more about the American Cancer Society’s ‘More Birthday’s’ Campaign, please log-on to