Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Alicia Keys Follows Bono's Charity Advice

Alicia Keys has revealed how Bono helped lead to her decision to use her celebrity status for good and establish Keep A Child Alive.

“It’s a currency — you must use it well or lose it,” she told Britain’s Live Magazine. "Bono told me that, and I totally agree. Now I’ve achieved a certain level of fame I know I must make good use of it, especially as I’ve been around the world and know suffering in a way I didn’t before.

“That’s why I launched my charity, Keep A Child Alive. I was so moved to meet people in Africa who have so little and yet are so generous, people who’ve been to hell and back but retain their dignity and are fighting for their dreams. The charity gives people the chance to chase those dreams.”

Keep A Child Alive provides life-saving anti-retroviral treatment to children and their families with HIV/AIDS in Africa and the developing world by directly engaging the global public in the fight against AIDS.

Ellen DeGeneres Joins Fight For Healthy School Lunches

Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi are the latest stars to urge Congress to pass the Healthy School Meals Act of 2010, which will see plant-based meals and non-dairy beverages a requirement in school lunchrooms.

“We know how much you care about children’s health,” they wrote in a letter to Congress. "That’s why we’re joining the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in urging you to support the Healthy School Meals Act, HR 4870.

“This bill would help schools add healthy plant-based vegetarian options in lunch lines. Two years ago, we switched to a plant-based diet out of concern for animals and the environment. Many children stop eating meat for the same reasons. Adding vegetarian options in schools would not only benefit these children — it would provide healthier options for all young people.

“Obesity, diabetes and other diet-related health problems are showing up in children at disturbingly high rates. One out of five teenagers already has abnormal cholesterol levels. Fighting this epidemic is one of the most urgent challenges we face — and healthy school lunches could play a vital role.”

The letter follows a similar letter from Woody Harrelson, as well as support from Scarlett Johansson and Michelle Obama.

“The Healthy School Meals Act is the easiest way to decrease children’s overall intake of saturated fat and cholesterol,” wrote Ellen and Portia. "It would simply provide a healthier option for children to try. Even if students choose a plant-based option just once or twice a week, they’ll be consuming significantly less fat and cholesterol – and that could make a huge difference to their health.

“Please include the Healthy School Meals Act language in revised child nutrition legislation. Children are depending on us.”

Paris Hilton To Launch Charity Initiative For US Troops

Paris Hilton has been named as ambassador for a new initiative from the USO that aims to give a MP3 player to all US active service troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“I’m always looking for ways I can use my voice as a celebrity and I think there is nothing more worthwhile and patriotic than supporting our troops. When I first heard about the Songs for Soldiers initiative it immediately touched my heart,” Hilton told Fox News. “It’s so easy to take for granted our freedom and happiness and forget about those who are endangering their lives every day to make it possible. Songs for Soldiers is a simple way to show you care.”

Paris will launch the Songs For Soldiers initiative at the A Swingin’ Salute to Our Troops event in New York’s Union Square Ballroom on Wednesday, May 26.

“I would love to visit our troops!” said Paris. “I hope that once we meet this goal I can personally be a part of the trip overseas to deliver these players into the hands of the troops. I would find that very rewarding, it is something I have always wanted to do.”