Friday, August 29, 2008

Obama Makes Headlines and History! Historic Event Happens on the 45th Anniversary of MLK's 'I Have A Dream' Speech.

*Surrounded by an enormous, adoring crowd, Barack Obama promised a clean break from the "broken politics in Washington and the failed policies of George W. Bush" Thursday night as he embarked on the final lap of his audacious bid to become the nation's first black president.

"America, now is not the time for small plans," the 47-year-old Illinois senator told an estimated 84,000 people packed into Invesco Field, a huge football stadium at the base of the Rocky Mountains.

He vowed to cut taxes for nearly all working-class families, end the war in Iraq and break America's dependence on Mideast oil within a decade. By contrast, he said, "John McCain has voted with President Bush 90 percent of the time," a scathing indictment of his Republican rival — on health care, education, the economy and more.

Polls indicate a close race between Obama and McCain, the Arizona senator who stands between him and a place in history. On a night 45 years after Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I have a Dream Speech," Obama made no overt mention of his own race.

"I realize that I am not the likeliest candidate for this office. I don't fit the typical pedigree" of a presidential candidate was as close as he came to the long-smoldering issue that may well determine the outcome of the election.

Fireworks lit the night sky as Obama accepted the cheers of his supporters. His wife, Michelle, and their daughters Malia and Sasha joined him, and the country music sounds of "Only in America" filled the stadium.

Joe Biden and Baraka Obama walk hand and hand at Invesco Field post speech

Campaigning as an advocate of a new kind of politics, he suggested at least some common ground was possible on abortion, gun control, immigration and gay marriage.

Obama delivered his 44-minute nominating acceptance speech in an unrivaled convention setting, before a crowd of unrivaled size — the filled stadium, the camera flashes in the night, the made-for-television backdrop that suggested the White House, and the thousands of convention delegates seated around the podium in an enormous semicircle.

Obama and his running mate, Sen. Joseph Biden. of Delaware, leave their convention city on Friday for Pennsylvania, first stop on an eight-week sprint to Election Day.
McCain countered with a bold move of his own, hoping to steal some of the political spotlight by spreading word that he had settled on a vice presidential running mate. Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty canceled all scheduled appearances for the next two days, stoking speculation that he was the one.

The McCain campaign also produced a TV ad that congratulates Obama for his nomination: "Senator Obama, this is truly a good day for America. Too often the achievements of our opponents go unnoticed. So I wanted to stop and say, congratulations. How perfect that your nomination would come on this historic day. Tomorrow, we'll be back at it. But tonight, senator, job well done."

Article pulled from EurWeb

Obama Makes History and Kanye Remembers His Mother!

As America's first black presidential nominee was celebrated at the Democratic National Convention this week, the thoughts of many African Americans turned toward deceased loved ones who did not live to witness it happen.

"It's an incredible time to be around. I wish my momma could have seen this day," said Kanye West to the Associated Press early Thursday before his performance at Bono's ONE campaign party.

West, whose set included "Touch the Sky," "Home" and "Stronger," was also joined on stage by Jamie Foxx to sing "Gold Digger," which the Oscar winner preceded with a shout out to Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama.

"We make history, man," Foxx told the crowd. "With Obama, we make history. If you ready for Obama, make some noise. Yo man, let's do this for Obama."

West was backed by a band clad in black outfits that were described by the Associated Press as Mad Max-meets-DNC riot police. The Chicago-born artist also sang two new songs he said he'd written in the past several days – both more focused on relationships and heartbreak than politics.

The ONE party also drew such celebs as Forest Whitaker and Ashley Judd, who arrived with Foxx waving an American flag, Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey, former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner and former South Dakota Sen. Tom Daschle.

Story pulled from

New Artist Album Release Party: Qwote!


Media Contact/To Request Photos:
Rochelle Hill, Precision Plus
On behalf of First Class Alliance

Single Release Party for His Hit, "808," featuring Plies

South Beach, Fl. - Friday night at SOBE Live would have been a usual take on ladies night with free admission and free drinks--which we love--but this past Friday they served up something sexy and sizzling with a live performance by Slip-N-Slide/Jive/Final Cut new R&B/pop sensation Qwote. The ladies loved Qwote as he performed three songs, including his new hit "808," featuring Plies. One lucky lady was called onto the stage and danced with Qwote as he swooned her like they were making his next video. The doors opened at 11 p.m. to a long line of ladies in waiting. At about 2:30 a.m. they got the show they had been waiting for.

Thanks to SOBE Live's open bar for the ladies, they had plenty to occupy them until the stage lit up. The mood and the pre-performance hype was set, as the legendary DJ Q45, BET "Rap City" host, spun on the wheels of steel. The energy was contagious and continued throughout Qwote's entire performance.

My Tattoo Shop was the sponsor of this standing room only event. Its owner, Freddy, also known as the famous Mistical Clown, showed up in style and the paparazzi noticed. Mistical Clown arrived in his yellow Lamborghini and the shutterbugs began flashing. Apparently, being the owner of six tattoo shops has served him well.

In collaboration with Micah Entertainment and First Class Alliance, SOBE Live pulled off an R&B/pop performance at a venue well known for being a hip-hop haven. But, with Qwote being on Slip-N-Slide Records it all made sense and the fans responded. It all went off well and surely this is just the beginning of the buzz for this new Slip-N-Slide/Jive/Final Cut Records recording artist.

About Qwote
Qwote is Slip-N-Slide Records/Jive Records/Final Cut's new musical sensation. Raised in Long Island, NY and Miami, his love for music drove him to start writing his own lyrics at the age of twelve. Qwote's first big break came when he was called to work on rap star Trina's album, "Still the Baddest." While working at Slip-N-Slide Record's music studio and soon after the production work with Trina, Slip-N-Slide label executives locked in his first major music deal with Jive Records. His debut album, "Qwote Un Qwote," will be released in the beginning of 2009. Visit , , and to learn more.

About First Class Alliance
First Class Alliance is a multi-disciplined marketing consulting agency that provides strategic solutions for today's ROI-minded, brand sensitive advertisers. First Class Alliance takes its clients beyond "sales," by creating experiences that engage consumers and build brand value, resulting in long-term customer loyalty. First Class Alliance specializes in the development of branded content by aligning brands with relevant celebrities in the entertainment industry. First Class Alliance creates smart, cross-channel marketing programs that influence consumers, generate sales, and increase your bottom line profits. To learn more, visit

About SOBE Live
SOBE Live is where hip-hop lives. Located in the heart of South Beach, 1203 Washington Avenue, this is south Florida's leading venue for hip-hop performances. SOBE Live creates mind blowing performances by local, up-and-coming artists, and chart toppers. SOBE Live is committed to hosting a diverse array of events such as fashion shows, magazine and movie release parties, concerts, and live television tapings.

About My Tattoo Shop
My Tattoo Shop is the fastest growing tattoo shop in south Florida with five shops located in Pompano Beach, Hollwood, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, and Haileah. The company's success came from a simple marketing tactic as the "2 for 1" tattoos. My Tattoo Shop is in the process of opening its doors at its sixth location next month, with the goal of having a My Tattoo Shop location on every corner--just like that famous coffee shop. Visit to learn more.


Rochelle Hill
President and Chief Strategist
"Pinpointing your marketing needs"
(917) 446-1752


Chris Paul’s dedication to his community began long before he became an NBA Star. During the summer of 2005, Chris initiated a philanthropic campaign designed to highlight his dedication both to his grandfather’s spirit and to the Winston-Salem Community that nurtured him from his days as a stand-out high school student-athlete to a national star at Wake Forest.

It was from this dedication Chris Paul and his family created the CP3 Foundation in partnership with The Winston-Salem Foundation... (read more on

It was from this dedication Chris Paul and his family created the CP3 Foundation in partnership with The Winston-Salem Foundation...(read more on

Want to know what is going on for Chris Paul's Weekend...

Thursday, September 18
Just announced! Ludacris along with David Banner and Hot Stylz will perform at Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial Coliseum for a concert presented by Chris Paul. The max ticket price will be $20.00 along with many available tickets at the $15.00 and $10.00 price points.

Tickets are now on sale and are available at the Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial Coliseum box office, Ticketmaster outlets including FYE, Macy’s and Lowes Food Stores, by phone in Winston-Salem...

Go to

Special Request From Obama! Jennifer Hudson Performs at the DNC

NFL Veterans Team Up to Assist. Check out Athletes Allied Athlete Group

Professional athletes secure lifelong career success with access to "best in class" business, personal, education, networking, and investment opportunities.

ATLANTA, GA August, 2008 -- Armed with over 46 years of combined professional athletic experience, NFL veterans: Ray Lewis, Michael Stone, Reggie Howard, Sam Madison, and Duane Starks introduce their company, Allied Athlete Group at a private five star hotel on August 31 2008 at 7:00 p.m.

An organization aimed at empowering athletes with the tools to ensure their success both during and after their athletic careers come to an end; Allied Athlete Group is poised to make resounding waves within the sports and business communities.

The statistics are startling. According to the NBA Players' Association, 66 % of NBA players will be bankrupt, divorced, or unemployed within 5 years of retirement. The percentages jump to 78% of NFL players within just 2 years of retirement. With the financial woes of several well known, top earning, athletes making major splashes in media headlines, the arrival of Allied Athlete Group answers a serious call within the athlete community.

It is no secret that professional athletes can make tremendous incomes; unfortunately most of them do not fully understand the leverage that is created during their career. This lack of knowledge creates opportunities for various "representatives" to take advantage of the athletes' leverage in a multitude of ways. This usury often results in the trusted representative making huge profits from the athletes and leaving them abruptly when their career comes to an end. AAG exists to help bridge this gap.

The Celebrity Factor! Did You Read IT!?


In today's society the word celebrity can hold a different definition from person to person. According to celebrity is defined as:

A noun meaning:
1. a widely known person; "he was a baseball celebrity"
2. the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed [syn: fame] [ant: infamy]

So do you think the your Presidential Candidate is a celebrity?

Take a look at the excerpt from a news article on the Presidential Candidates being celebrities! Is it true? Do you agree? Tell us what you think!


By WALTER R. MEARS, AP Special Correspondent
Fri Aug 29, 6:07 AM ET

DENVER - OK, Barack Obama is a celebrity. Just like Sheryl Crow, Stevie Wonder and the other stars who shared the stadium spotlight with him Thursday night.

Republicans are trying to make fame a liability for the Democratic presidential nominee and they're having some success at it. But John McCain is a celebrity too.

It's a curious twist in this presidential campaign, given that nobody gets this close to the White House without being, or becoming, famous in the process. Actually, McCain got there first, the Vietnam POW who survived and won his way to the Senate in 1986.

But in the Republican script, he's renowned for what he's done while Obama's fame is empty, not earned. McCain spokesmen were on the case, taunting the Democrats for the setting and the spectacle as he delivered his acceptance address to a roaring crowd of some 84,000 people in Denver's pro football stadium.

John F. Kennedy delivered his "New Frontiers" acceptance speech to 80,000 people in the Los Angeles Coliseum in 1960, the other time a Democratic National Convention held its finale before a massive crowd in an outdoor stadium.

Obama said he wanted his that way to show that it is a ground-up effort, with room for average Americans, not only delegates in their hall. In his speech, Obama spoke of his soldier grandfather who studied on the GI Bill, his single mother, of unemployed Chicago workers he tried to help, of the grandmother who sacrificed so that he could have a better life. "I don't know what kind of lives John McCain thinks that celebrities lead, but this has been mine," he said. "These are my heroes."

For the complete article please go to the following link:

Special Invite: Tribute Concert & Formal Banquet for Dr. Bobby Jones