Friday, August 29, 2008

NFL Veterans Team Up to Assist. Check out Athletes Allied Athlete Group

Professional athletes secure lifelong career success with access to "best in class" business, personal, education, networking, and investment opportunities.

ATLANTA, GA August, 2008 -- Armed with over 46 years of combined professional athletic experience, NFL veterans: Ray Lewis, Michael Stone, Reggie Howard, Sam Madison, and Duane Starks introduce their company, Allied Athlete Group at a private five star hotel on August 31 2008 at 7:00 p.m.

An organization aimed at empowering athletes with the tools to ensure their success both during and after their athletic careers come to an end; Allied Athlete Group is poised to make resounding waves within the sports and business communities.

The statistics are startling. According to the NBA Players' Association, 66 % of NBA players will be bankrupt, divorced, or unemployed within 5 years of retirement. The percentages jump to 78% of NFL players within just 2 years of retirement. With the financial woes of several well known, top earning, athletes making major splashes in media headlines, the arrival of Allied Athlete Group answers a serious call within the athlete community.

It is no secret that professional athletes can make tremendous incomes; unfortunately most of them do not fully understand the leverage that is created during their career. This lack of knowledge creates opportunities for various "representatives" to take advantage of the athletes' leverage in a multitude of ways. This usury often results in the trusted representative making huge profits from the athletes and leaving them abruptly when their career comes to an end. AAG exists to help bridge this gap.

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