Thursday, August 14, 2008

Oprah to head to Denver for Obama nomination

From CNN's Victoria Riess

Oprah hit the trail for Obama during the primary season.
(CNN) — Oprah Winfrey will be on hand when Barack Obama accepts the Democratic nomination in Denver – but the talk show host, who was a key presence at rallies for the Illinois senator during the primary season, won’t take the stage, a representative from her production company told CNN Wednesday.

The spokeswoman also denied rumors Winfrey was planning to spend thousands renting a home in Denver during the convention.

In June, shortly after Obama effectively clinched the Democratic nomination, Winfrey – who appeared with him in several key early-voting states, including Iowa, New Hampshire and California – said she was "euphoric” over his victory.

“I've been doing the happy dance all day,” she said in a statement then. “I'm so proud of Barack and Michelle and what this means for all of us, the new possibilities for our country.”

She added that she’d be happy to hit the trail again on his behalf: “And if he wants me to, I'm ready to go door to door."

Filed under: Barack Obama • Oprah Winfrey

Olympian makes a splash

Published Thursday, August 14, 2008
by David Parker, The Associated Press

NEWARK, N.J. – The John F. Kennedy Pool and Recreation Center straddles nearly an entire block in a city neighborhood where it is not uncommon to find new housing stock standing cheek by jowl with abandoned buildings and empty lots strewn with debris.
In the standard American sports narrative, this is not where Olympic swimming champions are nurtured – at least, until now.

Cullen Jones, left, changes to teammate Nathan Adrian in a men’s 4x100 meter freesyle relay heat in the National Aquatic Center at the Beijing Olympics Aug. 9. Jones, who trains and lives in Charlotte, is the second African American to earn an Olympic gold medal in swimming.

It was here that Cullen Jones learned to swim competitively and first professed his Olympic ambitions. And it was here on Monday that friends and former teammates celebrated his gold medal-winning performance on the U.S. men's 400 meter relay team.
The victory, in a pulsating race that was in doubt until U.S. anchor Jason Lezak touched the wall a whisker in front of France's Alain Bernard, made Jones only the second African-American swimmer to win an Olympic gold medal, after Anthony Ervin in 2000.

“He was one of the good ones who came out of here,'' Moustapha Kamara, a swimming instructor and supervisor at the Kennedy center, said Monday. “It's a very proud feeling knowing that someone from here is coming home with the gold. It was overwhelming to actually see it.''

Jones, 24, who lives in Charlotte and was a star swimmer at N.C. State University, was born in the Bronx and grew up next door to Newark in Irvington, a city with a reputation for crime and violence that tends to overshadow most other news. He gravitated to the Kennedy center as a youth and competed on the local swim team there, impressing teammates with his work ethic.

Brennon Smith grew up across the street from the pool at a time when, he said, few people used it even though it was one of the only public recreation facilities in the area. Jones was a fixture there, and eventually his enthusiasm rubbed off on Smith.

“Even if no else was there, he'd be in there practicing,'' Smith said. “Watching how passionate he was about it got me into swimming. He was a great role model, always trying to help someone out.''

Jones returned to Newark last fall to promote a water safety program for urban children, an initiative spurred by a study by the Centers for Disease Control that showed the rate of drowning deaths for blacks between ages 10 and 19 was nearly three times that of whites.

The issue has personal relevance for Jones, who often tells the story of how he nearly drowned at age 5 when the inner tube he was riding at an amusement park flipped over and trapped him underwater.

The experience couldn't keep Jones away from the water, and he arrived at Newark's St. Benedict's Prep last fall already on a mission.

“He was already talking about making the Olympics when he got here,'' St. Benedict's coach Glenn Cassidy recalled Monday. “We could tell he had a lot of talent, and that he had the drive to do it.''

Cassidy remembers Jones as a personable but quiet youth who eventually matured both in and out of the pool and earned a leadership position that gave him the responsibility of overseeing 25 or 30 other students each day.

For Cassidy, who said the U.S. team's victory had him “jumping up and down, screaming and crying at the same time,'' Jones' accomplishment should not be underestimated.

“It's about breaking stereotypes,'' he said. “For people to see someone of color who can stand out in a nontraditional area in a role that is positive, is tremendous.''

Julius Peppers is BACK!!!

Published Thursday, August 14, 2008
by Mike Cranston, The Associated Press

Julius Peppers broke out of his slumber and was dominant again. DeAngelo Williams made a case to start by darting through giant holes opened by the new, mammoth offensive line.

Jake Delhomme had no setbacks from his elbow surgery. Steve Smith made another spectacular catch – and kept his hands off his teammates.

The impressive showing by Carolina's first team in the Panthers' 23-20 overtime win over the Indianapolis Colts in Saturday's preseason opener gave reason for optimism –and wariness.

“It was just nice to have both sides of the ball operating efficiently to start the game,'' left tackle Jordan Gross said.

But the Panthers have done this before. They are 17-8 in exhibitions under coach John Fox and have won six straight preseason openers. The offense has scored on its first possession three straight years.

It didn't translate to the regular season the last two years, with the 8-8 and 7-9 records putting plenty of pressure on Fox and the Panthers to produce this year.

Still, the early signs against a makeshift Colts team missing Peyton Manning, Dwight Freeney and Bob Sanders were clearly encouraging.

Peppers, who lacked energy, speed and strength last season, was all over the field and embarrassed Colts left tackle Tony Ugoh in his first start since moving to right defensive end. Peppers recorded a sack, a forced fumble and a hurry that led Jim Sorgi to throw an interception on the first two series.

Williams turned both turnovers into touchdowns runs for a 14-0 lead barely three minutes into the game.

“He's all the way back,'' linebacker Thomas Davis said of Peppers. “You can say something was wrong with him, but he hasn't missed a beat this year.''

Delhomme has looked fully recovered from ligament-replacement surgery in practice, but threw only one pass in his preseason debut, an incompletion.

Instead, the Panthers turned to Williams on both of their short drives after the turnovers. Williams carried nine times for 55 yards and two TDs.

“He ran great. He broke tackles,'' Delhomme said. “I think this year we will be able to see for certain what DeAngelo Williams can do.''

He took the early lead over rookie Jonathan Stewart in the competition for the starting job. Stewart spent the game in street clothes, another troubling sign as the first-round pick takes a long time to recover from offseason toe surgery.

“The doctors here know what they're doing,'' Stewart said. “I just put my trust in them.''

Williams and Stewart are expected to get plenty of carries behind a line that features a different player at all five positions. Their debut was impressive as the Panthers try to return to a consistent running game missing since their Super Bowl season in 2003.

“I think we made great moves in the offseason,'' center Ryan Kalil said. “Coach Fox and (GM) Marty Hurney did a great job of bringing in guys who are big. We talked about beefing up the offensive line.''

A balanced offense could bring more opportunities for the Panthers top playmaker, the volatile Smith. Just over a week after Smith broke cornerback Ken Lucas' nose in practice and was suspended for the first two regular-season games, Smith made an impressive leaping catch for a 19-yard gain before his abbreviated night ended.

Even Dwayne Jarrett, who had a difficult rookie season and was mocked by Smith late last year, had three catches for 43 yards. Twice he held onto passes from backup Matt Moore after being hit hard.

“The offensive line did a great job in protection. The quarterback went through his progressions and I was wide open,'' Jarrett said. “I just made the play. It felt great, but we're still trying to get better.''

The teamwork angle was being worked by many players after the marathon game ended late Saturday night with John Kasay's 46-yard field goal with 3:53 left in overtime.

But there's reason to be cautious in the praise. Five defensive starters missed the game, with the secondary especially hard hit with injuries in training cap. Lucas still needs to return from surgery on his nose, and the offensive must prove it can be consistent.

Last year, the Panthers went on an 81-yard touchdown drive in their first preseason game against the Super Bowl champion New York Giants. They looked awful the next week in Philadelphia, a sign of things to come. On Thursday, the Panthers visit the Eagles.

“Last year we went up to Philly and we laid an egg. We were awful,'' Delhomme said. “So we have to go back to work.''

Obama campaign unveils second Olympics ad

From CNN Associate Political Editor Rebecca Sinderbrand

Obama is set to release its second Olympics spot on Monday.
(CNN) — Barack Obama’s campaign unveiled its second Olympics spot Thursday, another economy-focused ad aimed at middle class voters.

The ad, Three Bedroom Ranch, will air on national cable and broadcast television in all 50 states beginning next Monday.

“A plan to build. A plan to put hard working Americans first,” says the announcer in the 30-second spot, over footage of a house being constructed. “He’ll put the middle class ahead of Corporate Interests to grow the economy. End tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. Help businesses that create jobs here. Invest in education. Cut taxes for working families. And make energy independence an urgent national priority.”

Obama’s first Olympics buy was another positive spot, focused on his “green jobs” policy proposals.

During the same period, his campaign has also released tough local radio spots attacking opponent John McCain as he visits manufacturing communities in battleground states, including an ad that said the presumptive Republican nominee and his campaign manager Rick Davis were partly responsible for the potential loss of thousands of Ohio jobs, and another that painted him as uninterested in protecting motorcycle manufacturing jobs. That ad was timed to coincide with his trip to York, Pennsylvania, site of a major Harley-Davidson plant.

Nike Clark Kents: Bejing 2008

Pre-Olympic fever delivered a whole range of fashion. Now that the Olympics have started, will designers be influenced by what they see in Beijing? I say yes. The Olympic Opening Ceremony was sure to have inspired some outrageous new design ideas in fashion and gadgets and even toys.

First out the box are these one-off DJ Clark Kent sneakers called “Beijing 2008 And The Winner Is…” They are Nike Air Force Ones that make use of the metallic trilogy of gold, silver and bronze reflected on the Olympic podiums.

Jonas Brothers!!

NEW YORK — The sounds of thunder and early-evening traffic were easily drowned out by the squeals of hundreds of fans gathered outside the Apple Store downtown on Tuesday. They were all eagerly waiting to see a free performance by the

Jonas Brothers, whose third album (and second with Disney's Hollywood Records), A Little Bit Longer, was released the same day.

Many fans had been waiting on the sidewalk for a long time. Julie Forkell and daughters Brooke, Hannah and Abby drove in from Philadelphia and were in line since Monday. "I've never done anything like this before," said 11-year-old Hannah. "It's actually been really fun. We've been listening to our iPods, and I slept for a lot of the time. We've been just keeping each other busy." Nine-year-old Abby was a little less patient. "It seems like [time] goes by so slow, because I'm so excited!"

Mom Julie said she used the experience to bond with her children. "I really like spending time with my kids. They're really good girls, and the Jonas Brothers are just awesome. They're darlings." And, as Julie pointed out, they're very photogenic. "They make extremely wonderful wallpaper. As in, 'Let's cover up our freshly painted blue bedroom with about 10,000 magazine pictures of Nick and the gang!' "

About an hour before the performance was scheduled to start, the skies over Manhattan opened up, and a hard rain poured down on the fans for a solid 10 minutes. Twenty-two-year-old Ginno Murphy, wearing a garbage bag to keep dry, thought it was all worthwhile. "It's kind of cool to be a part of it. It's good to see people so excited about a band."

Shortly before 8 p.m., the doors to the Apple Store were opened wide and fans were allowed in, one small group at a time. More than 500 audience members took their places on the second floor of the store — a lucky few were able to score seats directly in front of the stage, and the rest had to stand, corralled by the store's employees.

When Nick, Joe and Kevin finally appeared, the place went wild. There was plenty of screaming and also a bit of crying. The brothers hit the stage along with their backup musicians, and after a brief thank-you to the fans from Joe, they launched into "That's Just the Way We Roll" from their self-titled second album. About an hour's worth of pop-rock music followed, including songs from all three JB albums.

During the opening bars of "Year 3000," the band started to jump up and down in unison, and the fans did the same. The entire floor shook, and for a brief moment, this reporter thought the whole thing would come crashing down onto the first level below.

Things calmed down a bit when Nick, usually seen strapped to his guitar, sat down at a piano to sing the title track from A Little Bit Longer, about what he experienced when he was first diagnosed with diabetes. "I want you to sing this with me as loud as you can," Nick told the audience mid-song. Of course, they obliged.

The performance ended with a lively rendition of "Burnin' Up," the first single from the new album. Then the brothers left, with the audience filing out shortly after.

"It was awesome," 19-year-old Christine Soto said of the performance. Her best friend Lauren Kwong added: "It was worth the 12-hour wait!"

Fans who were unable to attend the event can download the performance on iTunes, but they'll have to hold out for a while: It won't be available until the holidays.

This report is provided by MTV News

Stars Pause For A Moment Of Silence For Bernie Mac

August 14, 2008

The stars were out in Beverly Hills August 7th through 10th for the 12th Annual American Black Film Festival.

The festival not only showcases independent film but also provides an opportunity for aspiring filmmakers and actors to learn about their craft from Hollywood’s accomplished celebs. Among the distinguished guests this year were Halle Berry, Angela Bassett, Sanaa Lathan, Mos Def, and many more.

During a Q&A panel session on Saturday evening, actor Micheal Ealy (Barbershop, Miracle at St.Ana) made a request that everyone pause for a moment of silence for Bernie Mac. His fellow panelists were producer Wil Packer (Stomp the Yard, This Christmas), producer QD3 – otherwise known as Quincy Jones Jr. – and actor Nate Parker (The Great Debaters) who worked with Bernie Mac in the film Pride. Parker learned of Bernie Mac’s Death via a text message and implored the audience never to deliver such grave news via text.

This was the second year in which the festival was held in Los Angeles.

Article pulled from Look to the Stars.

Did you make IT!?

The music and pop culture network is the exclusive U.S. outlet televising “The 46664 Concert Honoring Nelson Mandela at 90” taking place in London’s Hyde Park on Friday, June 27. The concert will also be streamed live on that day at Artists already committed to perform include Amy Winehouse, Leona Lewis, Queen + Paul Rodgers, Annie Lennox, The Sugababes, Simple Minds, Dame Shirley Bassey, Andrea and Sharon Corr, Jerry Dammers and Razorlight will take the stage to honor Nelson Mandela. Many other world-renowned artists and performers will also be performing.

Levi’s® and JCPenney® Team Up To Support The VH1 Save The Music Foundation (PAST EVENT!)

Levi’s® and JCPenney® Team Up To Support The VH1 Save The Music Foundation

Special Performance By Gavin DeGraw To Launch The Weeklong Fundraising Initiative

Houston, TX (July 22, 2008) – Levi’s® and JCPenney® are teaming up to raise funds and awareness for the VH1 Save The Music Foundation with a weeklong sales initiative kicking off in Houston. A special performance by Gavin DeGraw at 5 PM on Sunday, July 27th at Houston’s Willowbrook Mall Atrium outside the JCPenney store will launch the program. The VH1 Save The Music Foundation is dedicated to restoring instrumental music education programs in our public schools and raising awareness about the importance of music as part of every child’s complete education. Levi’s® and JCPenney have pledged to raise $100,000 in support of The Foundation’s mission.

From Sunday, July 27th through Sunday, August 2nd, Levi’s® will donate $5 from every customer who purchases two pairs of Levi’s® jeans at participating JCPenney stores or at to the VH1 Save The Music Foundation up to $100,000. In addition, customers will receive a $10 JCPenney gift card by mail redeemable at JCPenney locations nationwide.

Platinum recording artist and singer songwriter Gavin DeGraw is currently on tour in support of his new album GAVIN DEGRAW. Spurred on by his pop hit single "In Love With A Girl,” GAVIN DEGRAW premiered at #7 on the Billboard chart in May, marking Gavin’s first Top 10 album. The video for Gavin’s single, “In Love With A Girl,” was directed by acclaimed director Wayne Isham and features “Laguna Beach” beauty Kristin Cavallari. The video debuted with an appearance from Gavin on MTV’s “TRL” in April and is currently in large rotation on VH1. Gavin DeGraw was produced by the famed Grammy-nominated producer Howard Benson who is known for his work with bands as varied as My Chemical Romance, Daughtry and Motörhead. The 12 songs on Gavin DeGraw revisit the themes of love and relationships, while taking Gavin’s matured songwriting in an exciting new direction.

“The VH1 Save The Music Foundation applauds Levi’s® and JCPenney for choosing music education as the core of their philanthropic efforts,” said Paul Cothran, Executive Director of the VH1 Save The Music Foundation. “Restoring music education in our public schools is an important cause, and we are proud to partner with these two outstanding corporations as we work toward our goal of bringing music into the core curriculum of each and every public school in our country.”

"JCPenney has a long history of participating in programs that help to enrich the lives of children,” said Steve Lawrence, executive vice president of Men’s at JCPenney. “As the largest carrier of Levi’s in the world, we are thrilled to team up with our national partner on an issue we know speaks to the hearts and minds of our customers and Associates.”

About VH1 Save The Music Foundation

Since 1997, the VH1 Save The Music Foundation has successfully restored and sustained instrumental music programs in 1,500 public schools in more than 100 cities across the country, including Memphis, Houston, Chicago, New York, Denver, Baltimore and Milwaukee. Over the past ten years, various artists and celebrities have shown their devotion to the VH1 Save The Music Foundation by partnering with the organization as they’ve reached out to struggling school districts across the country. Celebrities including Mariah Carey, Beyonce, Sting, Billy Joel, Kiefer Sutherland, John Legend, Rob Thomas, Alicia Keys, Jewel and many more have donated their time and efforts to the organization in attempts to raise awareness about the importance of music in a child’s education.

To date, The Foundation has provided more than $40 million in new musical instruments, affecting the lives of more than 1 million children. For more information on the VH1 Save The Music Foundation, please visit

About Levi’s®

In 1853, during the California Gold Rush, our founder, Levi Strauss, opened a wholesale dry goods business in San Francisco. Today, we are one of the world's largest brand-name apparel marketers with sales in more than 110 countries. There is no other company with a comparable global presence in the jeans and casual pants markets. Our great brands and businesses have been built by consistently providing quality products and by earning the trust of consumers, investors, employees and society as a whole through responsible business practices. This principle of responsible commercial success is embedded in our 154-year history and continues to anchor how we operate today.

About JCPenney

JCPenney is one of America’s leading retailers, operating 1,074 department stores throughout the United States and Puerto Rico, as well as one of the largest apparel and home furnishing sites on the Internet,, and the nation’s largest general merchandise catalog business. Through these integrated channels, JCPenney offers a wide array of national, private and exclusive brands which reflect the Company’s commitment to providing customers with style and quality at a smart price. Traded as JCP on the New York Stock Exchange, the Company posted revenue of $19.9 billion in 2006 and is executing its strategic plan to be the growth leader in the retail industry. Key to this strategy is JCPenney’s Every Day Matters brand positioning, intended to generate deeper, more emotionally driven relationships with customers by fully engaging the Company’s 155,000 Associates to offer encouragement, provide ideas and inspire customers every time they shop with JCPenney. SOURCE: J. C. Penney Company, Inc.



Los Angeles, CA - The 15th Annual Little Miss African American Pageant, held Sunday, August 10 at the Universal Sheraton Hotel in Los Angeles, was quite a star studded affair. A host of celebrities turned out to support contestants aged 6 to 12 as they demonstrated wonderful feats of accomplishment, emphasizing brains over beauty. "Grey's Anatomy's" Chandra Wilson and James Pickens, Jr., Dawnn Lewis, Lisa Raye Misick, Howard Hewett, Roz Ryan, Claudia Jordan, Chris Spencer and Antwone Fisher were just a few of celebrities on hand to participate in the festivities.

The surprise appearance of rap legend, LL Cool J was a treat, however, that the young ladies and stunned audience will remember for a long time! LL Cool J took the stage to speak to the young ladies personally, acknowledging their talent and motivating them to be the best they could be in their future endeavors.

Nine year old, Little Miss Mishal Thrower from Sacramento, CA was crowned the winner of the 15th Annual Little Miss African American Scholarship pageant event winning a trip to Disneyland in Florida with her family!

BOMBAY SAPPHIRE Hosted Rick Ross Charities Party at B.E.D. (UPDATED)

The Benefit Supports Parents and Students Prepare for School

BOMBAY SAPPHIRE Hosted Rick Ross Charities Party at B.E.D.
The Benefit Supports the Distribution of Free Backpacks for Students and
Complimentary Health Screenings for Families

Miami Beach, Fl. - BOMBAY SAPPHIRE spotlights Rick Ross, Slip N Slide Records recording artist, for his support of the communities in need. Through its sponsorship of the benefit party, which took place on Wednesday, Aug. 6, more families will be able to receive free health screenings and more children will receive backpacks and school supplies to kick off the school year. Rick Ross Charities was able to serve over 2,000 children and families as a result of this year's efforts. That night, Rick Ross gave an impromptu, 45-minute performance (after jumping up onto the highest bed) of mostly all of his songs, which the fans loved him for. The crowd joined in and sang along in the background. Of course, he came with celebrity friends, including Webbie, Mass Pike Myles (of Ross' own label Mayback Music), Torch and recording artist Brisco of Poe Boy Entertainment. Even White Boy from VH1's " I Love New York 2," was in the house. Visit to see photos.

BOMBAY SAPPHIRE rewarded Ross' hard work and quenched his thirst and those of the fans with a VIP cocktail hour presentation featuring specialty drinks, such as the " Miami Breeze" and the " Sapphire Collins." But more importantly, BOMBAY SAPPHIRE supported positivity and Rick Ross' community service efforts and was honored to highlight his accomplishments by sponsoring the good ol' fashioned, fundraising, fun jam with MCs on the mike. Awareness and support of this nature, from hip-hop and rap fans, is greatly needed.

About Rick Ross Charities, Inc.
Rick Ross Charities, Inc. is a non-profit, 501 (c) (3), founded by Rick Ross in 2006. Rick Ross Charities' mission is to strengthen the lives of today's at-risk youth from all backgrounds and create diversity by providing solid resources through education advocacy, mentoring programs and financial resources to deserving students. Rick Ross is committed to having Rick Ross Charities, Inc. serve as a catalyst to inspire positive change by creating and supporting programs that uplift the well being of todays youth. Rick Ross Charities provides community support through various programs and projects such as the annual " Rick Ross Be Out Day", Thanksgiving turkey giveaways, holiday gift giveaways, a college scholarship fund financial seminars and a host of others.

About B.E.D.
B.E.D. has attracted South Beach's creme de la creme as well as leading celebrities from Paris Hilton, Simon Rex, Shaquille O'Neal, Jamie Foxx, Wilmer Valderrama, Lennox Lewis, John Mayer, Scott Storch, Sean "Diddy" Combs, Will Smith, Larry Johnson, Timbaland, Johnny Knoxvillle and Gwen Stephanie. The new and improved B.E.D. is proud to show off its enhanced look and boasts all that South Beach has been craving in the social and gastronomic scene. For more information, please call 305.532.9070 or visit

BOMBAY SAPPHIRE is the best selling super premium gin in the United States. The combination of its ten unique botanicals, vapour infusion process, and authentic British heritage secure BOMBAY SAPPHIRE as a leader among gins, as well as a symbol of style and sophistication. BOMBAY SAPPHIRE strongly supports inspired adult individuals who create passionate work in design, film, and other artistic areas. For more information, please visit


Milestone Episode to Feature Appearances by Jennifer Hudson, T.I., LL Cool J and Keyshia Cole

NEW YORK – August 12, 2008 –106 & PARK, BET's flagship music series and a leading source of entertainment, hip hop and R&B music, will commemorate its 2000th episode on Wednesday, August 20 at 6:00 P.M.* Special guests on hand to help BET celebrate 106 & PARK's phenomenal milestone include Jennifer Hudson, T.I., LL Cool J, and Keyshia Cole, along with a few other surprises. The 2000th episode will also serve as the launch of 106 & PARK CONNECT (, a new social community for everyone who loves the 106 & PARK culture.

To kick off the 2000th episode festivities, hosts Terrence and Rocsi will introduce 106 & PARK CONNECT. This new online destination is all about connections as it allows viewers to connect online with: (1) Terrence and Rocsi; (2) contests and competitions related to 106 & PARK; and (3) other fans who share similar interests. In addition, this site will be more deeply integrated into the show and allow Connect Members to interact with and participate in the show more than ever before. For example, members of 106 & PARK CONNECT can upload videos and responses to different elements of the show, or have their profiles highlighted during an episode. In addition, 106 & PARK CONNECT members will be able to upload video answers to political questions as an effort to educate and encourage participation in the 2008 presidential election.

"A gigantic thank you goes out to 106 & PARK viewers and fans for carrying this awesome experience, a show that debuted in the year 2000, all the way to 2,000 episodes," said Stephen G. Hill, Executive Vice President of Music, Programming and Talent for BET. "106 & PARK was designed to reflect our audience's taste in music, style, swagger and attitude. Viewers have rewarded us by keeping us the most popular daily video show in cable television for a number of years. There are too many wonderful touchtones in 2000 tune-ins to mention, but there's always space to show much appreciation to AJ, Free, Julissa, Big Tigger, Terrence and Rocsi for keeping the show fresh and intriguing."

"We're thrilled to launch 106 & PARK CONNECT in conjunction with the show's 2000th episode," said Denmark West, President of Digital Media, BET Networks. "Through this new community and in partnership with Stephen Hill and the show producers, we're providing our audience with an even deeper connection with 106 & PARK by providing them with new opportunities to be a part of the show, connect to the brand and share the lifestyle."

In addition to hosting the hottest stars on television, 106 & PARK has become home to some of the biggest moments in television history, ranging from the infamous "Clash of the Titans" between contenders 50 Cent and Kanye West, to 106 & PARK's visit to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, to Jay-Z's free mini-concert in Brooklyn, and most recently, Madonna's highly anticipated visit to the 106 & PARK studios. Even though the studio sets and co-hosts have changed over the years, 106 & PARK has maintained its position in the lives of urban music fans around the world.

Under the BET Digital Media Group, 106 & PARK made history by launching the first mobile fan club of its kind available through all domestic carriers, the 106 & Park Mobile Fan Club. In the fall of 2007, 106 & PARK went global with a one-hour branded block on MTV Japan airing a weekly "best of" 106 & PARK show in Japan.

*All times ET/PT

Making its network premiere on September 11, 2000, the 106 & PARK urban music phenomenon launched on BET and forever changed the perspective of hip hop/R&B fans around the world. Live from New York City, the most energetic show on the planet welcomes a live studio audience, exciting show elements and superstar guests five days a week. The biggest names in the music and entertainment industry such as Jamie Foxx, Halle Berry, Jay-Z, Janet Jackson, 50 Cent, Snoop Dogg, Beyoncé, Mariah Carey, Tom Cruise, Queen Latifah, Bruce Willis and Diddy have all stopped by THE PARK.

BET Networks, a division of Viacom Inc. (NYSE: VIA, VIA.B), is the nation's leading provider of quality entertainment, music, news and public affairs television programming for the African-American audience. The primary BET channel reaches more than 87 million households according to Nielsen Media Research, and can be seen in the U.S., Canada and the Caribbean. BET is the dominant African-American consumer brand with a diverse group of business extensions:, a leading internet destination for Black entertainment, music, culture, and news; BET Digital Networks - BET J, BET Gospel and BET Hip Hop, attractive alternatives for cutting-edge entertainment tastes; BET Event Productions, a full-scale event management and production company; BET Home Entertainment, a collection of BET-branded offerings for the home environment including DVDs and video-on-demand; BET Mobile, which provides ringtones, games and video content for wireless devices; and BET International, an extension of BET network programming for global distribution.

VH1 Hip-Hop Honors UPDATE!!!

Tracy Morgan Returns As Host of The 2008 "VH1 Hip Hop Honors"

Which Premieres On VH1 and VH1 Soul on Tuesday, October 7 at 10PM*

NEW YORK, August 13, 2008 – VH1 has announced the five honorees for their fifth annual "VH1 Hip Hop Honors," Cypress Hill, De La Soul, Slick Rick, Naughty By Nature and Too $hort. Hosted once again by Tracy Morgan, this year's musical celebration will give viewers a chance to step back and reminisce on a time when hip hop music began to make its greatest impact on American pop culture.

Premiering on Tuesday, October 7 at 10PM*, generations of hip hop will bridge the gap for one exceptional night to set it off with the original style and flavor that sparked a revolution and continues to fuel an evolution around the world. Additional performances and appearances will be announced shortly.

"Now in its fifth year, the 'VH1 Hip Hop Honors' has come to represent the pinnacle of innovation and achievement in hip hop music," said Tom Calderone, Executive Vice President and General Manager, VH1. "This year's five honorees are no different and are being recognized for their significant contributions to hip hop culture and for helping to elevate hip hop into a truly global phenomenon."

Introducing this year's honorees:

Cypress Hill: With a driving rhyme style and brutally infectious production, this L.A. based collective brought a welcomed Latino perspective to hip hop storytelling, creating records like "Insane in the Brain" that crossed all barriers and gave Cypress Hill fans in the rock, as well as, rap world.

De La Soul: This Long Island trio brought a playful, smart, and off-center style to hip hop, while pushing their suburban and bohemian sensibility to the fore. Their innovative sound has influenced not only other MCs, but helped inspire the entire underground movement in the culture.

Naughty By Nature: Led by the strident style of lead MC Treach, Naughty By Nature brought New Jersey hip hop into the mainstream by creating hit singles than became anthems for a generation. "OPP" and "Hip Hop Hooray" are two of the most popular records in rap history.

Slick Rick: With vivid storytelling and unique rhyme style Slick Rick has always been one of the most unique and influential figures in the culture's history. When you combine Rick's MC gifts with his gold chains, eye patch and regal clothing the result is a figure who embodies the fun, the danger and the flavor that is hip hop.

Too $hort: Too $hort started his career in the '80s selling 12-inch singles full of freaky tales on his own indie label in Oakland and has remained true to his raw style, in the process becoming a legend in the game while staying true to his hard core values.

Additionally, on September 16 will launch its dedicated "VH1 Hip Hop Honors" Web site with honoree profiles, exclusive online programming, show information and more at Additional and VH1 Mobile efforts around "VH1 Hip Hop Honors" will be announced in the coming weeks.

"VH1 Hip Hop Honors" is executive produced by Lee Rolontz for VH1 and Jac Benson for Blackjac Entertainment. Louis J. Horvitz will direct. Nelson George and Fab Five Freddie are co-executive producers.

*All times ET/PT

"VH1 Hip Hop Honors" is sponsored by T-Mobile USA and Taco Bell Corp.

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VH1 Hip-Hop Honors!!

VH1’s “Hip-Hop Honors” 2008 Set for October Premiere

VH1 has announced the upcoming date for its next A-List tentpole event the “VH1 Hip Hop Honors.” Now in its fifth year, “VH1 Hip Hop Honors” will once again pay tribute to the hip hop luminaries who broke new ground and propelled the genre into a truly global news phenomenon.

VH1 will fete this year’s honorees at a high-energy event at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York taping Thursday, October 2, 2008 and premiering on VH1 on Tuesday, October 7.

The music and influence of each of the honorees, to be named later this summer, will be recognized through performances in collaboration with some of today’s hottest talent. Generations of hip hop will bridge the gap for one exceptional night to set it off with the original style and flavor that sparked and inspired the evolution of the music.

Last year’s show was hosted by Tracy Morgan and honored A Tribe Called Quest, Snoop Dogg, WHODINI, Missy Elliott, the film Wild Style and Teddy Riley and Andre Harrell for New Jack Swing. The star-studded 2007 edition also featured performances by the honorees, along with appearances by Ciara, Eve, Pharrell Williams, The Game, T.I., Timbaland, Bow Wow, Busta Rhymes, Common, T-Pain, Keyshia Cole and Nick Cannon as well as Chris Rock, Harvey Keitel, LL Cool J, Kerry Washington and Diddy. Salt -N- Pepa, Nelly Furtado, Ne-Yo, KRS-One The Teacha, Jermaine Dupri, Grandmaster Caz, Nelly, Mos Def, Kool Moe Dee, Grand Wizzard Theodore and The Chief Rocker Busy Bee.

“As we’ll remind viewers with our upcoming ‘VH1 Rock Honors’ show saluting The Who, VH1’s on-air tentpole events represent the best of music and pop culture entertainment. We work tirelessly and passionately to attract the biggest stars in the industry, create must-see buzz and engage record numbers of viewers,” said Tom Calderone, Executive Vice President and General Manager, VH1.

“Our ‘VH1 Hip Hop Honors’ has grown into one of the most anticipated events in the hip hop community, drawing legends from back-in-the-day to the hottest stars of the genre today. This fifth edition will reflect the true power of hip hop while promising to deliver our best Hip Hop Honors show yet,” he added.

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