Thursday, August 14, 2008

Obama campaign unveils second Olympics ad

From CNN Associate Political Editor Rebecca Sinderbrand

Obama is set to release its second Olympics spot on Monday.
(CNN) — Barack Obama’s campaign unveiled its second Olympics spot Thursday, another economy-focused ad aimed at middle class voters.

The ad, Three Bedroom Ranch, will air on national cable and broadcast television in all 50 states beginning next Monday.

“A plan to build. A plan to put hard working Americans first,” says the announcer in the 30-second spot, over footage of a house being constructed. “He’ll put the middle class ahead of Corporate Interests to grow the economy. End tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. Help businesses that create jobs here. Invest in education. Cut taxes for working families. And make energy independence an urgent national priority.”

Obama’s first Olympics buy was another positive spot, focused on his “green jobs” policy proposals.

During the same period, his campaign has also released tough local radio spots attacking opponent John McCain as he visits manufacturing communities in battleground states, including an ad that said the presumptive Republican nominee and his campaign manager Rick Davis were partly responsible for the potential loss of thousands of Ohio jobs, and another that painted him as uninterested in protecting motorcycle manufacturing jobs. That ad was timed to coincide with his trip to York, Pennsylvania, site of a major Harley-Davidson plant.

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